Nuevo Reporte GUNI “Educación Superior en el Mundo 4” New GUNI Report “Higher Education in the World 4”

El informe Higher Education in the World (HEIW) es un trabajo colectivo que se publica dentro de la serie de la Red Global de Universidades para la Innovación (GUNI) sobre el compromiso social de las universidades. Es el resultado de un análisis global y regional de la educación superior en el mundo.

Con la elección de un tema concreto para cada edición, el informe reflexiona sobre problemas y desafíos clave a los que se enfrenta la educación superior y sus instituciones en el siglo XXI. Se trata de un informe imprescindible para académicos, equipos de dirección y cargos políticos interesados en estas cuestiones.

El reporte  Higher Education in the World 4 – Higher Education’s Commitment to Sustainability: From Understanding to Action analiza cómo la educación superior está abordando el reto de la sostenibilidad. El informe se inicia con una mirada a las tendencias regionales, continúa con un repaso a los temas emergentes y describe experiencias de redes y buenas prácticas. Esta publicación también incluye un estudio que identifica las principales barreras que impiden la transformación de las instituciones de educación superior para contribuir a la sostenibilidad y propone soluciones para vencerlas. El informe finaliza con la presentación de algunas visiones para avanzar y pasar de la comprensión a la acción.

Más Información: Editorial Palgrave Fuente: GUNI Web Site

This fourth report, Higher Education’s Commitment to Sustainability: From Understanding to Action, includes papers by 85 authors from 38 countries. The publication of the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) presents the current situation and its implication for higher education (HE), analyzing the link between sustainability and HE. It shows a map of how the regions are advancing with regard to the subject; complemented with trending topics, networks’ experiences and good practices. The report offers different visions that contribute to the transformation of HE. The publication also includes a study to identify the main barriers that prevent the transformation of higher education institutions (HEIs) towards contributing to the sustainability paradigm, and highlight possible solutions in a global framework to advance from understanding to action.

HEIs can play a significant role in building a sustainable paradigm. They may help in facing local and global challenges, facilitating society to answer major global challenges. Their vision and action could be reinforced with a role review towards the creation and distribution of socially relevant knowledge in education and research and in the relationship with communities. They can support, and even anticipate, ways for action to play a proactive and committed role in rebuilt societies.

The final goal of this report is to stimulate debate among all those whose different links with the world of HE could contribute to enriching the discussion. We aim to stimulate serious and profound thought, which will open opportunities that should be jointly analyzed, discussed and hopefully used by academics, university leaders, policy makers, practitioners and members of civil society.

GUNI’s mission is to strengthen the role of higher education in society, contributing to the renewal of the visions, missions and policies of higher education across the world under a vision of public service, relevance and social responsibility.

More information: Palgrave Editorial
